An extremely beautiful city in the Marmara region, near both to Canakkale and Izmir, is a fantastic Ezine. Although this is not too big a place, it has historical significance and is very often mentioned in many stories the Turkish people are ready to tell. In the past time, Ezine was a vicinity of ancient Troy. Alexandria Troas was also this place holder and it was under its jurisdiction. However, of most importance is the fact that here one was the ancient city Neanderia, whose remains can still be seen. The ancient temples that were in this place are still standing in the place as proof of perfect artistic creations of ancient people who lived here. The famous is an Aiolya Temple from the ancient Neandreia.
It is interesting that in an Ezine a large number of Jews in the past found their home. They have lived and worked here in the past and their community was known as the Yahudi Soka??. However, over time this community became less so today is almost absent in this area.
From historical landmarks in Ezine one will definitely be able to see one of the oldest Ottoman mosques. This is an Abdurrahman Mosque, also known as the Sefer Sah Mosque. It was built from the rubble that remained of the ancient cities in this area. Near the mosque is the tomb of a hermit Ahi Yunus from the 14th century. What makes Ezine also famous is a white cheese of excellent quality. The cheese here is made of cow, goat and sheep milk, but each is called Ezine Peynir and is very specific and of high quality.
In addition to Ezine, there are still many beautiful places you can visit. Near to Ezine is the Bozcaada Island, which is possible to see by looking from a higher point. Those who some higher ground need to go to Kaz Mountain. Lovers of handmade carpets definitely should not avoid magic Ayvacik.