Those who love Istanbul and are interested in a bit of the Turkish history, certainly have heard of the great Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Those who are a bit more interested in this topic probably heard for his great vizier Rustem Pasha, who was also his son-in-law and husband of his beautiful daughter, Mihrimah Sultana. Exactly this grand vizier, who was born in Bosnia, gave another beautiful mosque in attractive Istanbul.
The Rustem Pasa Mosque is located in the Tahtakale district and built-in 1563. For its construction the great architect Sinan took care. The tiles used for its construction are special Iznik tiles and they originate from the 16th century. The walls are completely covered with them, and there are more than 2,300 pieces. That is something what differs this mosque and makes it specific. The inside part of the mosque is dominated by floral designs and extremely beautiful and vibrant colours.
If we judge by its size, then this mosque is not something special. But what makes it remarkable is its beauty. The grand vizier Rustem Pasha invested his wealth in this masterpiece, which is the prototype of Sellimiye from Edirne. Although Rustem Pasha is not a big mosque, its interior is richly decorated and that makes it truly unique. Its position is not easy to find if you're not familiar with Istanbul, but it is a good idea to take the time and visit the site because this mosque is according to the words of many, a true gem of Istanbul.
Although you will be delighted with the beauty of the mosque, there are many other mosques in Istanbul truly worthy of attention. Some of them are Sultan Ahmet, Suleymaniye and Sehzade Mehmet Mosque. The tour will bring you every single part of the spirit of the past of the great Ottoman Empire, but also the beauty of the modern era.